Informed Consent and Acknowledgement
I understand that upon my child’s acceptance for Summit Co. Youth to Youth (Y2Y) I will be responsible for a NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee.
I understand that my child's school is NOT providing transportation. I understand that I will be responsible for the transportation of my child to and from the bus pick-up and return point. If your child is not picked up within the hour of the bus arriving, the local police department will be contacted.
I understand that my child may be photographed and/or videotaped at any Summit Co. Y2Y functions, and that these photos may be used publicly for the promotional purposes of Summit Co. Y2Y. These photographs and/or videotapes are the property of the CHC/Y2Y, and may be placed on the web site, social media, promotional videos, etc. This includes photographs or video of your child during Y2Y club at their school.
For the safety of your child and the other participants of the program it is essential that all parents/guardians and students take the time to read the Camp Information Packet, which includes the rules for camp and the “what to bring, what not to bring” information. This document in embedded in this registration form and will be emailed upon completion of this registration. I understand that if my child breaks any rules, or brings any items on the “Things not to bring list,” that I will be phoned immediately and will need to arrange transportation home from Camp Muskingum in Carrollton, Ohio.
The goal of Summit Co. Youth to Youth is to begin to educate young people, not only about the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse and use, but also about peer pressure, decision-making, self-esteem, problem gambling, etc.
Youth to Youth is NOT a drug treatment or rehabilitation program.
CHC is an equal opportunity employer and provider of services. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexuality, physical or academic abilities, etc.
If your child requires any accommodations, please include in the space provided in this form. Please note: all gendered assignments are based on the gender identity of the camper/youth staff.
I have read the rules and understand my responsibilities as the parent/guardian of a participant in the Summit Co. Youth to Youth Program.